Monday, August 30, 2010

Can Pokemon teach us anything about the good life (and I don't just mean Nebraska!)?

After a summer of relaxing and vacationing I have gathered a bunch of ideas and I am ready to start blogging full time (by full time I mean once a week!) again. Today I am just running through a thought experiment, I don't have any data or facts to back up what I plan to propose but I do now that it does exist out there (Read E.F. Schumacher's "Small is Beautiful"). One of the activities that kept me busy this summer was bringing out my old Game Boy Color and playing Pokemon Blue again. It's an old game - about 10 years old if I recollect correctly, perhaps more - but it is a classic and a lot of fun to play. Like many of my favorite games as I play through the games I tend to focus not so much on the plot or even the game play (This is why I am not very good at most of these games), but rather the created world in the game. I am always thinking about what kind of economic system these lands have, where the infrastructure is, what makes the inhabitants of different regions different, basically I lot of questions regarding the geography of the land. Sometimes I find aspects of the game world that I think are intriguing and would be beneficial if implemented in our own world and that is what I want to think about today.

In the pokemon world - what I have always loved about the games is that their world is more technologically advanced then ours (they can for example resurrect extinct animals through fossils) yet as you play the game the world you inhabit is not some futuristic technological haven but rather has more in common with America around the turn of the century . There are very few cars or motorized vehicles (although they do exist and have a modern design) and most people get around by walking. The connections between towns (which are unrealistically close in the game through limitations, but I am accounting for that) are short and people can easily walk from one to another not on rural highways but rather on bucolic country trails. TV's and computers abound but no one's life seems to revolve around them (I admit I am extrapolating just a bit as that only person in pokemon you really get to know is yourself and the game doesn't let you sit and watch TV all day, however since a the vast majority of NPCs in the game are outside training pokemon or going about their business I feel it is a reasonable assumption). Scientists in the game are making amazing technological discoveries yet the vast majority of the inhabitants continue to live relatively simple lifestyles.

Now compare to the real world where a great many people (In America for sure, which is my sphere of experience, but I am reasonably certain this is also the case in Europe and Japan) live lives seeped in technology. - driving cars, texting, watching tv, riding elevators -These devices are supposed to make are lives easier but most people seem to think that life is getting more hectic as opposed to less hectic. As a culture and society we also seem to be losing important basic skills for relating to each other and the world as technology takes over the responsibilities that once were common to normal life. While I don't want to come across as a Luddite (I do use quite a bit of "technology" every day - I mean I am writing on this blog which is an amazing end of a remarkably large and complex technological process - but I am suggesting that we should have as our goal a life which relegates technology to its appropriate limited facility. As an easy place to start, turn off the ipod while you walk down the street. At first it might seem hard to not be jamming to your favorite tunes but eventually you (well I did at any rate) might begin to notice the sounds of the city or even better the sounds of your own head thinking.

Another aspect of the pokemon world that philosophically intrigues me is the connection between mankind and the natural world. In pokemon it is represented by the connection between humans and pokemon and their importance in the culture and lifestyle of the pokemon worlds. In Nebraska and much of the United States farming was the often the primary connection between society and nature but in other areas timber felling or fishing serve the purpose and these professions (along with the natural environment) served as the basis for which unique and human cultures could develop. This connection between man and nature (I know "man" is not politically correct but I am a traditionalist when it comes to English - "humankind" just isn't euphonious enough for me!) serves as a way to bring both stability to life (nature is pretty unchanging or changing so slowly that it seems unchanging in one's life time as compared with society) and is properly humbling (those who understand nature neither fear it nor think that it is all sunshine and lollipops either and respect it as a force that brings both life and death, joy and sadness - a proper humility). This, in it's own way forces all of us to see the necessity of being good stewards and caring for nature that we could in may respects completely destroy if we put our minds to it (or conversely put no thought into it what so ever.)

Now it is always worth noting that a fictional world is.. well... fictional and as such doesn't always have to follow the rules. Just because it works in fiction doesn't necessarily mean our society can actually function in such a way - and it may very well be that our society will never function in the intriguing ways of the pokemon world - maybe technology and simple living are just not as compatible as we would like (it seems to me that the drive to develop new kinds of technology might be severely hampered if our culture stopped looking for ways to make their lives "easier" which is essentially what I am in some ways advocating) but I have a lot of faith in the human intuition which seems notice that something is wrong with the current state of affairs and that living simply and using technology with a daft (I'm using this with its Old English meaning) touch are ideals to shoot for even if we can't actually achieve them as they are represented in the pokemon world.

Monday, August 16, 2010

"The Saturated Phenomena" (Marion)

Greetings readers,

Yes, today I will be using something that is not Freestyle Lyric Poetry to express a point, and I will be writing in sentences. :) Yay!! (as much as that style of writing is cool, it's not my particular strength I don't think.) Now, I want to talk about a strange concept in philosophy, or at least when it first appears, namely, the inversion of subject and object. The subject being the human self which observes phenomena, and objects which are phenomena, (which includes things, events, etc.) However, there are certain times that instead of observing phenomena subjects are actually overtaken by phenomena. Marion lists 4 types of Saturated Phenomenon: a) the event; b) the idol; c) flesh; d) the icon. These four types of phenomenon explain interactions where objects affect the subject more then simply being there.

A: The event. Events are saturated phenomena because the object involved is something which affects the subject and ultimately builds the self. Events affect and build sensitivities for people which in turn affects people as they look at future phenomenon. The subject takes in events based on past experience, but also can be changed by events in unforeseen ways. A good example of this is examining conversion experiences. When people have a dramatic conversion experience people do not foresee this consequence going in, but something in the event stimulates the self to react. This reaction causes growth toward something different and the event will be remembered as a key event in the life of the self. (Events include many things, speeches, movies, video games, music, etc.)

B: The idol: The idol captivates the subject because it possesses the person with an image of the divine in something concrete. The idol then captivates the self because the image of the divine affects how a self receives phenomenon. If an image of God is created (particularly in statues, but also in word images people use of God) then people influence their actions based on that image of God. For example, if people are given and receive an image of God as powerful and judgmental, then people's actions will be affected by that image. (There are many possible effects which this could have, but this is outside the scope of this entry.)

C: Flesh: "Flesh is that which feels itself feeling." (Marion, The Erotic Phenomenon) It is different from a body because the body is the object which can only be felt. Flesh is the source of overwhelming stimulation because everything which feels and feels itself feeling stimulates the senses in ways the subject does not control. For example, if you touch something hot unexpectedly, you quickly pull your hand away, but you don't rationally pull your hand away. The flesh feels something hot and pulls itself away on reflex with no thought.

D: Icon: The icon is also related to the divine like the idol but the icon has a different purpose. The icon does not build an image of God but rather provokes reflection of the infiniteness of God. This can be done in artwork, stained glass images, and various other things. (Honestly, the icon is complicated because it's not an idol but it's similar.)

The inversion of subject and object is important because it builds philosophies of conscience because it shows how people interact with being but also how being interacts with people. Conscience is affected because it must add to its examination how being affects the sensitivities of the self which affect the reception of being (particularly with events, but the flesh and idols also affect this, especially when language is considered.) (yes, outside of my thesis, conscience has become my new research buddy.) Manipulation is something which also is affected by these thoughts because people can use these saturated phenomena (knowingly or unknowingly) to affect the sensitivities of others. (hehhee more ideas for more posts.) I hope you've all enjoyed the read.


Friday, August 6, 2010

Freestyle Lyric Poetry Thingy


Today is a day where 3 line sentences with words we don't understand are for chumps seeking advanced degrees and those in the establishment (keeping in mind I'm seeking an advanced degree.) There will be no long sentences, no paragraphs, no form, just words that show reality, that present life and seek life to it's fullest. Here we go...

Sisters and brothers,
I'm here to tell a story today,
One of suffering and sorrow, joy and grace,

I'm here to tell about a world which bleeds.
It cries out for healing.
But none is to be found,
at least not as we appear to see.

Brothers and sisters
Power is everywhere,
and it seeks to corrupt life itself.

The world bleeds because of leaders and because of me
Because I don't respond to the world which bleeds.
Because I fall victim to power, and greed.

When we talk about evil,
we're not just talking about actions and deeds,
we're talking about our hearts
the pride, the anger, the greed,
these things which consume us and others,

It's not just the big bad world we have to fear,
it's those in power anywhere,
our politics, our TV, and even some religions
it's all those things we're supposed to trust.
Our communities which teach us these fears.

It's those in power who teach us to fear the BIG BAD OTHER
Those who look different,
Those who think different,
We should all be afraid, because they're not me

These others have opinions and feelings
But they're not to be considered by me,
Because I have the truth, I have reason,
I don't need the opinions of others.
Because what I have is objective
or at least that's what others tell me who claim it.

But racism, genocide, abortion, war,
This is why all these exist
because what's human is what someone else makes it
and those who don't fit die and suffer freely.

Even lesser things like teasing, bullying, and intimidation
stares, glazes, and screaming,
all happen because we don't listen
we talk because we're right, and fight because we're justified.
and is okay because our leaders tell us so.

In all this, where is the hope and grace
where is the love we feel and the joy we're told about
is it in ourselves or in our things
is it in believing the leadership and fighting blindly for them?

No, no it's not.
Hope and grace is in the love we have for ourselves
It's in the love we have for God.
And it's in the beautiful combination of the two.

Because many will claim God to justify their hate
but in the end, God cannot justify the hate,
because God sees through the hate
and raises it with love
raises it all in with love
raises it with a cross of giving love.

It is in this cross where we see the consequences of hate
We see people in fear drag innocence to crucifixion.
because of darkness and leaders infected by it,
and in response they affect the people
and this is what the story tells us.

So how do we deal with the intrinsic evil in the world
how do we give hope and love
does it start with ourselves, our leaders, and our large groups,
or does it start with me?

The question comes, "Can I love first?"
from a learned man, a Marion,
because that's where it starts
hope comes from me loving you and you loving me
and when this happy harmony comes
we can love the community which approaches

With this hope, we can engage the leaders
the leaders who spread fear and hate for the other
those not like me, or you, or we.
They build community by similarity and strawman
making human themselves and others not.

but we can build community different,
because we can model it on love of you and me
we can find God's happy harmony
and participate in life with God

This community of love, can appear in being,
can appear in what we see before us, if people choose,
if people choose hope and tolerance over fear and hate,
people can live in community.
People can really be people.

Because love is not about a feeling, or what a person is good at,
but rather something special about each person,
a uniqueness which cannot be repeated,
because every history is different,

which we need to respect,
because we can learn from difference,
about you but about me too,
and we can stop the intrinsic hate
we can stop the racism, genocide, war, abortion
manipulation, fear, malice, torture, and more

Though being is bleak, we have hope,
because though we see many examples of others and me failing,
there is always redemption beyond our control,
and a love which gives mercy,
which we can spread, and which we need to spread
because we can hoard it and keep God's love for ourselves,
or we can be that love for all to see.

We can separate love of God and neighbor,
or we can unite it,
and if united in the love I have for you,
then it becomes a sign for all,
of God's love for you and me.

And that's all sisters and brothers...
The reason for our hope is that we can always try again,
and we always have redemption.
Though things around us may seem angry, and fear related,
we can always love.

And that's it y'all, I'm out.
